Coaching Philosophy
'The coaching we did three years ago, is giving me the resilience I need to lead now'
Global Risk Expert, HSBC Bank
My coaching philosophy centres on the power of the conversation to create change. I coach for transformation rather than transaction, offering high challenge with high support.
The coaching relationship is a reflective and experiential solutions-focused partnership. It is a non-judgemental learning space in which the client explores their meaning and purpose in coming to work. Clients increase their self-awareness, inner confidence and optimum performance at work.
I use a variety of coaching techniques, deployed organically in response to what the client is expressing about their thinking, feelings, choices and behaviours. I draw on Positive Psychology, Existential Coaching techniques, self-empowerment theory, neuroscience and Psychoanalytic Systems thinking.
The result is deep, emergent, sustained personal and professional growth. Clients evidence tangible business and organisational outcomes. These include: leaders who feel more empowered and thus are able to empower those they lead more readily. Leaders develop a greater range of coaching style questions for use in meetings, appraisals, pitches and conflict. They can self-coach in a crisis and navigate ambiguity and uncertainty with greater dexterity. These leaders create better role models for their teams and future leaders. They contribute across function, develop more ideas, higher quality solutions, and have greater self-confidence.
On a 6 month - 3 year follow-up, clients report deep, sustained, continued learning outcomes with meaningful impact for the individual and the business.
'Coaching is my tool, better than any other training course I've been offered, even my MBA'
Banker, Investment Bank
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